Sunday, December 6, 2009

NBX G.P. of Cyclocross Race, Day 1, December 5th, 2009

Misc photos of the Verge New England Championship Master’s 45+, 55+, and the Master’s A races can be found over here
It was a rainy, cold day and I didn’t feel like capturing photos, but I haven’t done it in awhile.  I shot a bunch of photos before realizing my lens was on manual focus.  I deleted most of them.  I suck.
However, after realizing this mistake, I decided to plan ahead, put my A-Game on, and get in a good position for the start of the Master’s A race.   I planted myself at the top of the first hill with flash in hand.  The first lap of a race provides a lot of drama and excitement, and I really like how the following photos turned out.  I hope you enjoy them, too.
P.S. don’t forget about Pain Face’s photos from the Elite Race.
(P.P.S. I just noticed these photos are cropped in the blog posting, click them to see them in their proper format.)
Here’s the hole shot, the race leaders powering up the first hill:
This chaos of the start reminds me of men charging in a Civil War battle:
Here’s Brian fro JRA Cycles powering it up from the beach:
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